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Snow Like Ashes: A YA How-To

If you want to learn how to write cliche YA fiction, Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch can show you exactly how. The main character, Meira, is a cookie cutout heroine; tough and not like the other girls, but cursed with the unique challenge of having to decide between two handsome and charming men. These men are basically the same, yet Meira is being forced to marry one while the other she can't have. If you predicted that she falls in love with the one she doesn't want to marry, though, you'd be right! There's barely any conflict between them, and I found their relationship to be boring. Mather, on the other hand, is the king, and therefore Meira can't be with him. Even though they are both homeless refugees from a ruined kingdom, somehow she still isn't worthy of him. Maybe this is Winter culture, I don't know since we don't get to learn much about any of the kingdoms' cultures.

 I saw the plot twist at the end coming from a mile away. I'm sure the author was trying to leave clues so that we could figure this out, but she did a bit too well. I also couldn't really bring myself to care about any of the characters, even Meira, who we spend the whole book with.

The book is not without its positives, though. The universe was really cool, and I'd love to learn more about the Seasons and the Rhythms and the history they share, especially Winter. Hopefully, there will be some of this in the sequel, will update you later.

You can find Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch on or wherever books are sold.

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